वाणिज्यिक आइसक्रीम उपकरण के प्रकार

टैज़ी हार्ड आइसक्रीम मेकर और सॉफ्ट आइसक्रीम मेकर

Ice cream is a popular dessert that is enjoyed by people of all ages. If you’re planning to start an ice cream business, it’s important to have the right equipment to make your products. In this article, we’ll discuss the different types of commercial ice cream equipment that you can use to make your business a success.

सख्त आइसक्रीम
सख्त आइसक्रीम

Types of Commercial Ice Cream Equipment

There are two main types of commercial ice cream equipment: soft serve ice cream machines and batch freezers. Soft serve ice cream machines freeze liquid ice cream mix under agitation and then dispense it directly from the machine into a cone or cup. Batch freezers allow you to produce a batch of one type of frozen dessert, like hard ice cream, by whipping and freezing the liquid mix into a creamy, smooth texture.

Soft Serve Ice Cream Machines

Soft serve ice cream machines come in two types of feed systems: gravity-fed and pressure-fed. Gravity-fed machines rely on gravity to feed mix into the freezing cylinder with a fixed air ratio. Because there is less ice cream overrun with gravity-fed soft serve machines, the ice cream is more dense and flavorful than ice cream made with a pressure-fed soft serve machine. Soft serve ice cream machines can hold finished products for long periods of time and come with one or two hoppers.

They are available in countertop and floor models and in air-condensed and water-condensed models. Some models can be used to also dispense frozen yogurt, custard, gelato, and/or sorbet.

Commercial soft gelato ice cream machines
वाणिज्यिक सॉफ्ट जेलाटो आइसक्रीम मशीनें

Batch Freezers

Batch freezers have another name: hard ice cream maker machine. Batch freezers allow you to produce a batch of one type of frozen dessert, like hard ice cream, by whipping and freezing the liquid mix into a creamy, smooth texture. They feature a beater that adds air to the mixture and scrapes product from the unit’s sides for optimal consistency and maximum extraction.

The finished product must be transferred to an आइसक्रीम फ्रीजर to store and serve. Batch freezers are available in countertop and floor models and in air-condensed and water-condensed models. Some models can also be used to dispense gelato, custard, sorbet, and/or sherbet.

Continuous freezer ice cream machine
continuous freezer ice cream machine

Choosing the right commercial ice cream equipment is essential to the success of your business. Soft serve ice cream machines and batch freezers are the two main types of commercial ice cream equipment.

Soft serve ice cream machines come in two types of feed systems: gravity-fed and pressure-fed. Batch freezers allow you to produce a batch of one type of frozen dessert, like hard ice cream, by whipping and freezing the liquid mix into a creamy, smooth texture. Be sure to choose the right equipment based on the type of frozen dessert you’re looking to serve. Good luck!